Friday, March 25, 2016

So busy, so much rain, so few pictures.

Pretty busy here, finishing up the Adventure Nickel book.

The fine folks over at Scribophile are doing wonders for the finished product.  Heck, it might even turn out to be readable by the time it is all said and done.

I guess, I should be happy about all the rainy weather.  It should make for a marvelous and green summer. It has kept me indoors and working on the book more.

It has helped destroy my marathon training plan though.  I went ahead and faced reality and changed to the Capital City Half-Marathon instead.

But, despite the rain, we have been out a few times looking at various interesting things.

Did you know there was once going to be a nuclear power plant near here? They actually got to the point of building the cooling towers when the money ran out.  It is pretty cool to see.

Not even Homer Simpson could get a job here.

Jumping the fence to get a closer look would set a bad example for the kids... right?

Instead of getting arrested for trespassing, we went to an early Easter egg  hunt.  This one was dog-centric.  Yep.  They had a doggie Easter egg hunt with a doggie fashion show and expo.  They did have an Easter egg scramble for the kids too.

The doggie fashion show may have been a little too risque to appear in a family blog.

Let's just stick to the kids and the eggs.
Of course, being us, that wasn't enough.

I know, I know. Abandoned nuclear power plants, rain, easter eggs, rain, dog nipples, rain, what more could a guy want?

We decided to head south to the gorge and check out the waterfalls in the wet season. We were hoping for a nice day, or even a few nice hours in the day.

This is what we got.

Not to be deterred, we had fun anyway.

The waterfalls were worth it.

More dedicated photographer.

A rare instance of all four of us in a picture.
Love this one.  Zoom in to see Sarah and the boys on the bridge.

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