Let's discard this unfounded optimism though and just hope I make it all the way to the end with limited typos and without degenerating into random symbols typed in the windings font.
I suppose the best way to arrange this with my limited available mental capacity is to try to recap. What have we been up to lately?
Or I could just act like a pirate.
Or perhaps a wise cracking rabbit with a New York accent?
No? A quick recap then.
We went back hiking in the remote wilderness of Alaska. It was rugged and dangerous, but worth every step of hardship.
Having barely survived, we tested our luck by setting out to sea. Bitter winds battered any exposed flesh and arctic cold tore every scrap of warmth from our weary bodies.
All in the quest of the wonderful majesty of nature.
By the way, the above pictures features an Alaskan Coastal Brown bear. Yeah, it does...really. Promise.
Of course, the kids were thrilled with the amazing natural scenery around them and couldn't pry their eyes from the rail. It doesn't matter that this is the third time on this same route. Nature deserves nothing less than their rapt attention and devotion.
OK, enough sarcasm. Here is a picture of the Marjorie glacier with another tour boat in the water checking it out. For a sense of perspective, the boat is probably carrying over 100 people. The glacier is 250 feet high or thereabouts and a mile wide.
Looking forward to it.